You know, I keep thinking about that episode of the Andy Griffith show where Barney and Floyd are held hostage at O'Malley's cabin by some female escapees. Andy gets tipped off, shows up outside the window, and manages to nab a couple of the women as they go out to get water from well. Barney is trying to devise a plan to get the third woman out. The third woman has been tormenting Barney all evening by projecting her feelings about a former boyfriend onto him (calling him Al, forcing him to dance at gunpoint, etc.).Barney realizes if he leads in a dance, he can lead the escapee right on out the door into Andy's custody. So he pretends to want to dance:Let's you and me dance.Are you kidding?No, I'm not.What made ya change ya mind.Then Barney feeds her the line, and this is hilarious acting on the part of Don Knotts, You're starting to get to me.I always laugh when I hear that line.