You are invited!Starting Monday at Life Church from 6-7in the Life Cafe!Download PERISCOPE and you can watch live!Bible study for the next 9 weeks! Here is a short look at the course:CHANGEWeek 1 From Old to NewFrom… To…Week 2 The New Birth! What does it mean to be born again?Week 3 A New Creature! Who is the new you?Week 4 Changing Your MindThe power of repentance – willing to change.Week 5 Changing Your Mind – Part 2Handling strongholds of wrong thinking.Week 6 Changing Your Mind – Part 3 Receiving the engrafted Word.Week 7 Changing Your Behavior Experiencing the change.Week 8 Changing Your BehaviorOvercoming the world – being a world-changer!Week 9 Being the Change Bringing Heaven to Earth. I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: