I don't know if Liberty invited him or if he requested to appear, but he could not have appeared there without their permission. I think it was a good move on the school's part.They had Ted Cruz and other conservatives speak at Liberty, so it seems fair to allow someone from the other side, to speak. We often criticize liberal universities because they do not allow conservatives to speak on their campus. By allowing Sanders to speak, and treating with respect, Liberty showed that it is being fair and is completely unafraid of someone with a differing opinion.It also then allows professors at Liberty to share with students why they think Sanders positions on socialism and abortion are wrong. When this kind of information inoculation is handled correctly, it can build into the students a powerful resistance to that kind of political doctrine.When someone is inoculated, they are given a small amount of the very substance they are trying to resist. It allows them to build up a resistance to it. However, inoculation requires that the patient receive only small and well-controlled amount of the substance.We preachers often do this when sharing about Mormonism or JW's. We may contrast what Mormonism says about there being as many God's as there are sands of the sea, with what Jesus said about being the way, the truth and the life. Or, we can use the Scripture, There is one God, one faith and one baptism.Seems like a wise move on Liberty's part to me. However, that is only my opinion. What's yours?Doyl