Speaking from the outside but raised on the inside of a parsonage, for the full timer it is a matter of priorities. My dad had NO outside activities such as fishing or golf. But he never forgot his family, even thought at times it seemed like it. I noticed when my dad was 'perplexed' he paid attention to the physical church building. If we had a 'custodian' he would join in the clean up and talk. He found time to take a 'short vacation'. Never expensive usually camping. I really think my dad was experiencing 'burnout' when he retired. A short or even expended sabbatical would have put him back as pastor and ready to go again. Instead, he took on organizing a new church. OUCHI took note of the successful pastors, dad's peers. They usually had an outside activity that helped them, back in that day it was mostly fishing. Golf was sort of a sin but fishing was Biblical. EVERY PASTOR NEEDS A HOBBY or SPORT a short diversion. It is just as important if you plan to retire, the same thing is required or you will experience 'RETIREE BURNOUT' Some facts but mostly just my
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