My latest Christian Novel is back on the market. I have replaced all the first editions I know about, if I missed anyone let me know. The book is called
Great book. Full of faith, mystery and love. The main characters are two older citizens who are madly in love.Made me appreciate growing older with my wonderful wife of 46 years.I have read most of Cojacks books and I very much enjoy his writing. In fact I have read more of Cojacks writing than anyone in the last two or three years Recorded Sermons @
Thanks my brother.(I just listened to your sermon, 'I cannot afford That' Very good message and Needed. It was the first audio sermon I have listened to and I think I got over 90% of it. Before the Cochlear implant I would not have heard a word of it.)If I am not mistaken my books are available as Audio also, using some app Kindle has Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://