By design, it is completely and totally impossible for Apple to access that data. They literally cannot comply, by design. Finding the right balance between liberty and security is always hard, but I appreciate that Apple is erring on the side of liberty. That isn't true.Any person who programmed that thing could tell you the steps to piece together to get into. No one has all the info - but a collaboration of folks would.Encryption doesn't magically happen. Someone designs it - others program it. It could be done by Apple easily.A court order for this one individuals information should suffice. I agree - govt doesn't need the back door for all users. Not necessarily NB. An example of de-codeable encryption would be Data times a known formulaOne that is near if not impossible to decode ;Data times a random selection of 1 of 9 formulas times ,Encrypted Data times a random selection of 1 of 8 formulas times ,Encrypted Data times a random selection of 1 of 7 formulas ETC. until all9 formulas have been used.One single encryption has an unbelievable formula , imagine 9 of them accessed at random until they have all been used.