If the federal government deports 1,370 people per day, including weekends and federal holidays, they'll hit 2 million by the end of Trump's first term. Take all the weekends off & all the major holidays with a vacation thrown in every year & he could deport 2 million within 4 years using military transport jets with 200 on board per jet & a mere 10 jets a day. Double the jets & get it all done in 2 years.I like that list of things he says he'll work on to get accomplished but I still don't see him getting elected. My goodness it's only February & the election isn't until November. A lot of things are going to take place between now & November, some might even be catastrophic.1) Make trade deals that actually benefited both the American worker and businessman. 2) Seal the border. 3) Do away with the anchor baby loophole. 4) Deport many illegals. 5) Stop immigration by Muslims. 6) Beef up the military. 7) Simplify the tax code. Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!