Hey, Ole Timer, It's me, it's me, it's Ernest T.I ain't talkin, I ain't talkin, the more you're askin, the more I'm balkin.Just kidding. My name is Bonnie. That's the true and accurate spelling that Mama gave me. The bonney is a variant. As I told Dave Dorsey I use aliases to avoid the cops, but I was joking when I said that.I could tell you why I used a variant for my gmail account, but, man, that would take all the fun of your conspiracy theories away.If you'll notice, though, sometimes good ole jack69, who posts right regular on my blog will address me as Bonnie.Also, if you're really into sleuthing, you will notice I refer to myself as Bonnie on my blog as well.organicdiscourse.blogspot.com/2015/04/does-your-car-reflect-your-personality.html