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My two cents about pulling out

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Post subject: JLarry: My two cents about pulling out
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
My story:I pastored for over 25 years with no break. Went through three horrible church meetings in consecutive years. Got to the point I needed a break. My AB agreed with me. He gave me some good support during this period of time. When I took the break I moved back to my home area. Attended a CoG for a while but found a church we felt the Lord was leading us to. This church was only 9 months old and needed someone with a Pentecostal background. The pastor pastored the First Baptist in our town and received the Baptisim of the Holy Spirit. The Lord used me to help establish this church. In the beginning they got really wild. We stayed and prayed. As we prayed the Lord begin to bring some balance to the church. Now the church is strong. They are not into keeping numbers but I guess there about 300-400 on a given Sunday.After about 3 years I went to the new AB who was the ED when I went through my problems. He knew the story and knew the truth.He assured me if I would attend a CoG he would help me get a good church. He even asked me to help for a few months in a church that was in a real mess. I did as he asked. But.He would not help me get a church. I reminded him of his promise and he blew up and got in my face and said: Larry you are not going to intimidate me into getting you a church. I simply said; Bishop I am not trying to intimidate you, I am reminding you what you promised me. You are in charge you can do as you wish. I said have a good day and walked out of his office and went back to the the church we had been attending.Another AB came in. I went to see him. He also told me I had to attend a CoG for him to help me. I told him I left the church we attend once because I was promised a church. My family is happy where we attend and I am not leaving for another promise.I realize some will say, suck it up and do as he ask. I put over 25 years into the CoG. Built one church, and a parsonage. Saw some growth in some places. If I have not proven myself then how can I do so now. I am simply tired of fighting a flawed system.I would pastor tomorrow if the door opened. I am not bitter with the CoG. I have no problem with the current AB. I do not know of a church with a better DOF. I pray for my brother pastors, and encourage them as often as I can. For a few years I traveled all over Ga and as I went though different towns I prayed for pastors. My membership is still in the CoG and I still send reports Recorded Sermons @

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
I have never been there, but I do have friends who have. I believe the COG is a good organization, but not the one and only. I have friends who went independent , not leaving and taking a church with them, they were just offered a pastorate and took it. There is not a thing unChristian or unGodly about it. If a person is Called, their responsibility is to respond.One friend actually pursued the independent route, and it worked for him.The Called should follow their conscience and heart . Our God is not limited, that is for sure Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

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Post subject: mytimewillcome:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm

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Post subject: c6thplayer1:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
Larry , just ignore those that jerk you around. If you are called to preach then find a church that needs a preacher , any church including COG , go there introduce yourself and work your way in locally. You dont need some egotistical person directing your life.

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Post subject: JLarry: C6
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
C I don't know if you are a pastor in the CoG but the AB can help you or stop you, he has that power. If you do not dance to his tune you are tuned out. As much as I love pastoring and preaching I cannot stand to work under anyone I cannot trust. Trust is HUGE to me. My Dad would beat the daylights out of us if he caught us lying. He had no use for a liar, especially a lying preacher.Dad applied for license in the CoG and the AB told him to lie on the application. He threw away the application and lost respect for the CoG. I still have the letter the AB wrote him in the 60's.I cannot believe a minister would tolerate lying, but it happens every day.

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