I do have about 3-5% in the right ear and the hearing aid still helps. But with the aid out, I hear NO sound in the right.On the trip home from Durham, I asked my wife to drive, since the implant is on the left side and would be towards her..We laughed at the turn signals. Every time she turned on a signal I could hear it click. I would say, Your turn signal is on.Sort of an inside joke, in the motor home many times changing lanes etc the signal will not go off, I would leave it on for miles and SOMEONE would say. 'YOur turn signal is on'.I have noticed also that the implant is like a hearing aid in one respect, it is not directional. I cannot tell from whence a sound originates.BUT I am very happy I had it done... Thinking about another one, but this time I expect x-ray vision. Some facts but mostly just my
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