Paul said he was crucified to the world and the world was crucified to him. Gal. 6:14Paul said we were once in bondage to the elemental things of the world. Gal. 4:3Paul said we once lived according to the course of this world and its prince. Eph. 2:2Paul said we wrestle against world forces of this darkness. Eph. 6:Paul said he wasn't living in the world or subject to its rules. Col. 2:20John said the world was (a) the lust of the flesh, (b) the lust of the eyes and (c) the pride of life.Jesus said the ruler of this world will be cast out at the cross and now has been judged. John 12:32(John 14:30), John 16:11Jesus said we are not of the world that hated Him and will hate us. John 15:18,19; John 17:14-16Paul said the God of this world blinds and veils hearts and minds of the unbelieving. 2 Cor. 4:3, I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: