And what we often fail to realize is that bitterness is a choice we make. We've all been passed over and have dealt with the feelings of being unappreciated at times. How do we respond? It's our choice. We can choose to obey the Word and rejoice with those who were recognized, appreciated and promoted and be patiently faithful in what we feel like are the small things we have been called to. Whatever state we find ourselves in we have to choose to be content as we do the best we can where we are assigned and leave all the other stuff to God. He knows us and He knows where we are and why He led us there. Ours is to obey and be faithful in all things. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Bitterness is a choice we all can make, as is contentment with peace. If God is who we say He is and we are who He says we are then what's the issue? We are His children and He is in control and promotion doesn't come from the east or west - it comes from God, or else it's not really a promotion. I choose to be content in Him. Congratulations Steve! The church and overseer got it right. Y'all be blessed. I'll be happy and faithful. I don't have any grandkids in Georgia anyways