Aaron Scott, I think you make a valid point. I didn't think that first article was too out of left field. In some marriages some of that advice makes sense. If you are a manger of a company and an employee comes in late and doesn't do his work, you are going to correct, confront, and possibly even fire him. Firing isn't generally a Christian alternative when it comes to a husband wife relationship. If a man's wife is out of control, he needs to have some boundaries. But most of that stuff makes more sense if the wife is kind of irresponsible and the man has it together. An elder of the church has to rule his own house well, and he's supposed to be an example to the flock. If his wife is trying to usurp his leadership role, then he'll have to deal with that. If a man can't do that, how is he going to handle a leadership role in the church, which involves dealing with people, too, and not manhandling them. People who live in our culture get a lot of 'girl power' in their intellectual diet. We learn it at school and on TV and the news. Some churches even talk about female empowerment. If that's the message people get, but never any instructions to wives about submitting to their husbands, they can get out of balance in their thinking, and it can lead to wives not respecting their husbands and following their leadership.One theory I've heard for why there are so many divorces is that, in spite of the cultural influences to the contrary, women desire men to lead. A woman may be disrespectful to her husband if he doesn't lead. If she's disrespectful and he doesn't confront it, she loses further respect for him. Then she gets bored with him and starts to view him with contempt. Then she starts thinking about divorce. 65% or 70% so of no-fault divorces are filed by women.And if they file for divorce for no reason, the state often rewards women with the children and a stream of the man's income to support the kids, which she also uses to help keep herself up. There are a lot of men now who just don't want to get married and prefer to shack up for years or go from girlfriend to girlfriend-- I'm talking about society in general in America. They see the lack of social incentives and society doesn't respect men much for being husbands and fathers