A former AB once told me the only thing he had against me was the fact that I was on Actscelerate.He swore he had never been on Acts, but others told him about the board.I said; Have I ever posted anything negative about you? He said; no. He mentioned Acts to me almost every time I talked to him. Amazing how much he knew about the board but has never been here. He lied to me about other things, but I am sure he did not lie about Acts. Recorded Sermons @ www.pastorwiley.com
I had a good friend who served many years on the missions field. He had never visit daily, and would at times mention something from acts, He said it was mostly positive. I sent the Acts address but he never got around to reading, he passed too soon.I like to know that. Too bad some folk think this is all negative.... Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://shipslog-jack.blogspot.com/
My gootness, Larry, are you sayin that one a your former AB's railed agin ya fer postin on Actscelerate....................then bald face lied to ya on several occasions? Son, ats quite a indictment.