I don't know why any college or professional male sports person would want to have any female in the locker or training room. I feel it is forced harassment of men in the name of gender equity. Just as invasive are news cameras and female reporters in the locker room. Do players lose their right to privacy? In a nation that is providing restrooms for kids who are gender uncertain for the sake of privacy, how can this practice of subjecting males to the evasive eyes of both females and cameras to continue?Will be allow cameras and male reporters into the WNBA's locker room? Can male trainers and reports now claim sexual harassment if a female exposes themselves or touches them in an unwanted manner?As our gender wars continue the escalate in this nation, women should not be surprised that men will respond with demands of equal treatment. Just as the Joint Chief's Marine and Army generals called for women to be registered for the draft since they were being forced to allow women in all combat roles, so now let there be open locker rooms for all sexes, one restroom for all sex and not double standards for jobs such as law enforcement and firefighters. Either you can do the job or not, and if the standard is lowered for women, so it should be for men.As a matter of fact, leagues like the WMBA or women's soccer is an affront and men should sue be be able to compete for those jobs. Gender based college sports should be outlawed and every team should be open to the best player no matter what the sex.One of the articles referred to the victim of the Manning Mooning (I like the alliteration of that) as a lady. Such gender privilege titles are sexiest and have no place in sports. I include the Lady Vols in this rant! After all, you may be born a woman or a man (or something in between nowadays), but few women should women be allowed to use a title that requires special treatment from men?Men, its time for the women to play hardball with us on based on ability not gender!Mat