From an article in a Georgia news paper by Ken Herron. Ken's dad was a COG Pastor in Georgia, and a Brother in NCI liked the article it is long, if you have time to read it.*******************************************************The results of last week’s Super Tuesday voting simply shows how angry the voters are at the Establishment in Washington. Donald Trump is definitely not the ideal candidate for the Republicans to choose for their candidate for president. He is an egotistical, high strung bully but to the people in the United States he is the “not-the-establishment” candidate. Dr. Ben Carson is also not from the establishment but he is so nice and mild he would be eaten alive if he were in the lead. Cruz, Rubio and Kasich try to sound like rebels but the public still sees them as professional politicians who are part of the establishment. Dr. Carson has now withdrawn so there are still four candidates. The Republicans have control of both houses of Congress but you cannot tell it. Nothing has changed but the names on the door of the leadership offices. President Obama still gets everything that he wants and nothing is done about his legislation by Executive Order. Nothing is done about the immigration problems. Nothing is done about the jobs that have moved to China. Nothing is done about reducing spending and balancing the budget. Most folks seems to believe that Cruz, Rubio and Kasich will not try to correct these problems. The people believe that having either of them as President will mean more of the same. The people believe that in spite of his quirks, Donald Trump will try to solve the problems. In Gordon County, Trump received 51% of the vote. When I was young, it was a real mark of success to become a millionaire. Only the smart people were able to accomplish this. A billion is a thousand million. To become a multi-billionaire is not something that a man who is not smart can accomplish. You have to have something on the ball to reach this level. To the Evangelical Christians Donald Trump with his multiple marriages and lack of Christian involvement makes him not an ideal choice. The requirements for President are not the same as electing a pastor. Jesus said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and that seems to be what Christians are doing when they vote for Trump. The President is not the spiritual leader. The country is not selecting a Pope.The Republicans in Washington are saying that Trump is not a true Conservative. He was a Democrat just five or six years ago. He is a recent convert to the Republican side of the fence. He is not loyal to the old Republican positions. Maybe that is a good thing. Ronald Regan also was a lifelong Democrat before he converted and entered politics. The country needs someone who will do the right thing regardless of the previous party positions. The establishment says that Donald Trump is not electable. In 2012 the man I thought was unelectable because of his performance as President was Barack Obama. I was very wrong.The Establishment Republicans in Washington are trying to decide what to do. The common phrase right now seems to be “Anybody but Trump”. The Establishment Republicans had chosen Jeb Bush to be the Republican candidate and the sponsors had anointed him with a big stash of cash. At the South Carolina Primary he announced that regardless of the results he was in the race to the end. When he did not get the desired results in South Carolina the support of the party went to Rubio and Jeb Bush dropped out. He probably did not make the decision. Ted Cruz has not followed the lead of the party in the Senate and does not have the support of the Establishment Republicans. He also is not being financially supported by the establishment and they cannot order him to drop out of the race and pledge his followers to Rubio. His followers are also not behind the Establishment Republicans and probably as many of them would move to Trump as they would to Rubio if he withdrew. If the Establishment ordered Rubio to withdraw, they would have the two leading candidates unfavorable to them. It would mean that a new group would take over the Republican National Committee in either case and the current power brokers would be on the outside.It takes 1237 delegates to win the nomination at the Republican Convention. At this time, Trump has won a total of 9 states and has 316 delegates (46.4%). Cruz has won 4 states and has 226 delegates (33.2%). Rubio has won 1 state and has a total of 106 delegates (15.6%). The other two candidates have 33 delegates (4.9%). The single state won by Rubio was a caucus state. He has not won a state based on popular vote. Based on the current polls Rubio will not win his home state of Florida and will get no delegates from there.Beginning with the states that vote on March 15, most of the votes are “Winner take All” which means the delegate count will move upward at a faster rate. The speculation is that the Super PACS that support the Establishment are planning to run negative ads against Trump. They believe this will help the other candidates to win these states and deny the nomination to Donald Trump. The Super PACS that supported Mitt Romney in the last election are already placing negative ads against Trump. Mitt Romney was the star of the Establishment in 2012. His attacks against Trump last week were his attempts to try to protect them. Much of what he said was not true.The Establishment believes that if they can prevent Trump from getting the 1237 delegates before the convention they can prevent him from getting the nomination. The delegates are only committed to vote for a specific candidate on the first ballot. The delegate that is appointed at the convention for Trump on the first ballot may not be a Trump follower. They can change their vote on the second ballot to their favorite candidate. The Establishment has a big influence on this. Politics is a dirty game Some facts but mostly just my
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