If there is anyone among us who has an amazing proven record of dynamic and faithful service, it is Perry Stone. Perry grew up in small Churches of God that his dad pastored. That is no slam on Perry's dad. My folks pastored small churches too and I love them more than I can find words to say.Perry came up from the grass-roots, mowing the church lawns, sweeping and cleaning the church facilities and at times the bathrooms too, Actually, that is not unusual for preacher's kids. He began preaching youth revivals and youth camps in the COG. All that is good.But his ministry began to grow - not overnight, but year-by-year as he remained faithful and diligent. Now, he has his ministry headquarters in Cleveland, TN. How much more holy could it get? If I looked through everything Perry has said and written over the past 20 years, I probably could find something I don't agree with - something on which I may have a different opinion. But when it comes to the Lord, the Bible and caring ministry, Brother Perry has the right name; Stone. He is solid as a rock. His heart is in the right place and millions have been touched by his teaching and preaching.If he has critics (and who doesn't), my prayer for them would be that their life will be used for as much good as has come through the life of Brother Perry Stone.Doyl