As a rule in the past 16 or so years, you can count of polls to be very close at THAT TIME. This year are they polling the same people? or moving around. Because as a rule in Americans, if you bad mouth a POW your numbers would go to the basement. I told my son, Trump is done! His numbers went UP, not normal.I am saying what was normal is not anymore in polls or politics. Mitt made a speech, using the old 'standards', Trump should have went down, he went up.We won't know until the rubber meets the road if Trump can win or commit suicide. I am not sure if he does succeed in shooting himself in the foot, if Cruz can win. I ain't sure of much except for a woman who is 'hated', has had people killed (I have heard for years), lies and takes Arab money, Hillary appears to be electable. Some facts but mostly just my
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