It would not be a merge, it would be a disappearance. The COGMA churches and history would be a bump in the road to the COG consciousness. Would merging with COG enhance the local congregation, or would it be adsorbed and sold off to support the State Offices? Would the ministers of the COGMA be given the same status as they now hold, or would entry to the COG require them to start over in their licensee/ordination process? If they merge this week, could their ordained ministers kept they status in the COG and vote in Assembly this summer?We are in an age of new networks, not old denominations. That is why many large (and not so large) congregations who once were part of a denomination have broken away to form (semi-independent) new relationships with other ministries. I know that in the COGOP there is a new incorporation process underway, developed by leadership, which would allow local churches to retain their property and choose for themselves if they wanted to participate in a merger with another denomination.So the question is, why would I want to join a denomination with OTCP just to have my spiritual heritage mocked, belittled and made fun of? Sometimes this forum makes being part of Calvary Chapel or Vineyard look inviting.