Moments ago, Rosella Davenport, the wife of former North Georgia Pastor Ed Davenport, announced that he has passed from this life.She said, It is with deep sorrow and exceeding joy that we wish to tell you of the passing of Pastor Edward Davenport from the bonds of this earth. His passing was peaceful and we know he is with the Lord.Funeral arrangements are yet to be determined.For decades, Ed Davenport was the Pastor of the Buford, Georgia Church of God. He has been one of the more influential ministers in the state. He has often been elected by his fellow ministers to serve on the top boards and committees that help form policy and direction for the state.Our thoughts and prayers today go out to Brother Davenports family, his friends and the members of the Buford Church of God. At this time, we remember his wife Rosella, who has been, and is, a dynamic woman of faith.Doyl