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Prayer Request-- Need healing in 14 hours

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Post subject: Link: Prayer Request-- Need healing in 14 hours
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
I just took the longest series of flights, counting layovers, over 30 hours. I was able to sleep about 4 hours in the airline seats, and kept waking up at that time. What started as a problem in the post-nasal area turned into swollen tonsils and me losing my voice. It's the middle of the night here, though it's afternoon in the US now. I've been up a little over an hour after sleeping it off in the hotel.Fortunately, I was able to get some amoxillin here without a dr's precription at a drug store on the way to the university from the airport.I am hear to teach a class session in about 13 hours. The prof said don't worry about it and to heal up when I called him and whispered to him. But I really need to heal up and teach the demo class. I hope they changed the schedule for me to do my campus touring the next day instead of present, and present the academic presentation the day after. I'd appreciate prayer. I've been thinking this may be the job for me. I'm surprised how developed everything is here, especially compared to my developing-country reference in Indonesia. Btw, I'm not mentioning the country in case I give security-risk details for believers here in the future. Just trying to prevent internet searches from cross-referencing certain info

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Post subject: Mark Ledbetter:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
May God intervene by brining you healing and relief; and may He give you clarity of thought and give you peace God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led

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Post subject: Link:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
I was able to teach the demo class. Seemed to go okay from my perspective. The professor whose class I taught thought I did okay. We'll see how student evaluations went. I had one coughing fit. Please pray I'll do well at the academic presentation in the next 10 hours or so. I don't need another coughing fit.Way back when, I had an urge to apply for this job, and it kept coming to mind. I suspect that may be from the Lord, so I did it. THe application was really hard, in a foreign language, with drop-down menus that only went to 2012 when I had entries that were later. I had to get actual letters of references as opposed to the standard practice of names and addresses, and other stuff that just wasn't normal. I prayed and told the Lord one night that I didn't know anyone here in the type of church I wanted to go to, and if He wanted me to work here, would He let me have a contact who was a believer here. Maybe someone who knew believer X. I met believer X at a church conference and then translated for him at a conference in Indonesia.I also met believer Y at that conference. He brought believer X to this country. Believer Y was a professor and I asked for advice going into a similar field with a PhD when I spoke with him at the conference, back before I got my masters. The next day, after praying that prayer, I searched the university website to see if I could get details about faculty research before writing my cover letter. Lo and behold, there was believer Y. He worked at the same university. He was someone who knew believer X, just like I prayed.So for not using real names if that makes it confusing

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Post subject: Link:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
Site Admin
Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
I was a bit hoarse but kept improving each day. I felt like I did fine for the class and the presentation. I got good feedback about both. The dean gave positive feedback. No job offer yet. That would happen after I left.The flight in with travel time and layovers was over 30 hours. I haven't counted the return hours but it's 20+. I'd appreciate prayer for saftey, health and wellness on the trip home

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