Do you how many pastors of those congregations with less than 100 in attendance, have any type of education or not ?You might be surprised the education most small church pastors have.I have found that if one didn't attend Lee, graduate from Lee, or knows someone in Cleveland, then regardless of their education, you're not going to be high up on the list for churches running more than 100.This remark isn't against Lee, just tired of the good ol' boy and the you have to prove yourself to me system.I was attaining my Electrical Engineering degree when God called me to Pastor and I dropped out of Engineering School to go to Bible College, but being able to rewire a machine or creating an electrical schematic doesn't help much when it comes to Hermeneutics. It is most certainly true that Lee connections have always made a huge difference as to one's ability to receive appointments in the COG. Of this there is no doubt. But not every pastor, I have personally known over the years, who were pastors of the larger churches were Lee grads.My home church had some great pastors and for years has been one of the largest in the state. Most never attended Lee and some did not have HS diploma while a couple had college and one had some Seminary. While the church flourished under most of them, one of its greatest surges came under one of the men who never finished HS. In fact, with one exception, the most rejected pastors in its history were the better educated and the preacher/teacher types. What Martin seemed to refer to as non linear preaching still is held in higher esteem than the teaching oriented type more associated with the more educated.Upon my receipt of a Masters from our own Seminary a recent pastor of that same church told me bluntly (quote) Now that you have it, nobody will ask you for it. He was right.