In another thread Eddie posted a link to a church culture evaluation blog and it links to apps and programs you can subscribe to (another money maker for somebody) and implement in your church to see it grow and minister to families in small groups. All worthy things, I guess especially if you're not especially creative. I am NOT old fashioned, I have a very YOUNG church (see Marty Baker's thread) but a young numerical age but mature seekers after the Presence and Anointing of God.We can disagree about some of what I believe re doctrine but I am overtly Pentecostal/Charismatic and ardently desire the move of God in our church. We are contemporary in our music, worship, design et al but we are more like Azusa St than North Pointe.But here is my concern/complaint - the church for the most part has no anointing – so we substitute counseling instead of deliverancePrograms instead of power songs instead of worshipLies instead of truth platitudes instead of the wordGimmicks instead of evangelism comfort instead passionTv and apps instead of prayer another book instead of personal revelationTechnique instead of the anointing,and the latest church growth seminar instead of the Holy Spiritand then we wonder why lives are not changed, families are still being destroyed, marriages are failing, disease is still rampant, and we look like and act like the rest of the world! And we wonder why no one wants what we have – because they already have it and it’s not bringing them any peace or hope!We are building the house of God with cheap materials because the better costs more than we’re willing to pay, so we settle for the good because it is cheaper or free. When we no longer expect the miracle working power of a supernatural God to intervene in our lives or churches; when there no longer is any room for the sovereign move of God's Spirit in our lives or in his church, when we begin to have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof, when we're only paying lip service to power of the Spirit, (and good well-meaning churches, pastors and people go thru these phases) we need to recognize this cancer and cut it out!If we grow complacent to the move of God's Spirit, or if we have become resistant to it and not desirous of it, if we have no hunger for the things of God but are merely going along, soon the church will be filled with people just like us, people who know nothing and expect nothing of the power of God. There is a remedy. Paul had to remind Timothy to stir up the Gifts lying dormant in his being. We must raise the level of faith in ourselves and our church. If the bible study is boring and wed. night meetings seem draggy, maybe it's you that's draggy. God never called his ministers to be cheerleaders, Heb. 1:7 he called them to be flames of fire!!! Maybe we need to get pilot lights re-lit! We need to get alone with God and repent of where we are and seek a fresh anointing and God will give it to us! If we’re satisfied with where we are, shame on us! If we have to rely on mouthing someone else's program or revelation, shame on us!Mk. 9:22 says if you can believe, all things are possible. Let dryness and deadness, doubt and deviousness (sin) be done away with today, let them be replaced with faith, holiness and the fire of the anointing of the Holy Ghost! Jesus has anointed you with the Holy Ghost and Power and sent you to preach the word in His power, to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cause the blind to see, the deaf to hear, Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. O Lord send the power just now to re-anoint, to kick out deadness, to fight the fight of faith, to live in holiness instead of sin, Lord, rekindle the fire of the Holy Ghost to see the New Testament church arise and go forth in the power of the Spirit, once again. Revive us o God!! The anointing is the Holy Spirit of God. It is NOT some new website. We need Him to change our lives, to maintain faith in difficult times and to proclaim Jesus as Saviour, healer, and Lord to a world that is desperate to not just hear pretty words but to see a demonstration of the power of God, now! I have taken those other classes, I am a qualified coach to church planters but we labor in vain if it is WE who are trying to build His house.