Actually, listening to it again, it was not a prophecy exactly, but what was written down about a vision she had. But yeah...same difference, pretty much.My husband & I worked at PTL back in the day, and my husband always said he felt Jim was more honest than um...certain other preachers who shall remain nameless. I have not watched Jim's new program with any regularity. Rarely. But the book he wrote after prison (I Was Wrong) should be required reading for pastors. I also read a book by his wife, Lori, the lady on the show you referenced, about how they met and eventually married. Fascinating book. I believe Jim is sincere, as was his original plan for PTL was. He got distracted and sidetracked by the wrong things, which he freely admits. He has a rather different view of last day events than I do, and I think that drives a lot of what he does on his show. What you see on that show is pretty much what was done at PTL too, and from what I know, it was never scripted beyond who the guests were or what they were going to discuss. But hey, you have to go with what your discernment is, and I respect that. Just telling you what little I know.And of course, that's not why I posted it. I just thought it was really interesting what God showed the lady from Norway & thought it might interest y'all too More of Him...less of