Do I think they are different, No. But, I have noticed a change in how they are mentioned. As I understand, the two are the same (except as some mentioned earlier that Holy Ghost may sound scarier than Holy Spirit. But, I'm no scholar, perhaps there is a reason for calling them by different names. (No, I'm not suggesting a Four nity, or whatever that would be called) I was actually just curious for the difference. Someone mentioned Bible's in the last 100 years or so often referred to Holy Spirit. Given that the KJV is used less frequently today than in the past, that sounds like a logical reason the terminology has changed. And who knows, it may have only my observations where I attend. Other congregations may differ? Maybe in the south, they still predominately refer to it as Holy Ghost. Since I haven't lived in the south for 30 years, I don't know. I did not mean to imply Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit were two different beings if that is what you thought I meant