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Has America already reached the point of no return?

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Post subject: Methocostal: Has America already reached the point of no return?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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In light of the fact that we are suppose to let transgender people go to the bathroom of their choice, evidentally, pervert should no longer exist in our dictionaries and should be removed from the English language. No longer is anything is considered too extreme and anything is now allowed. America's decline to obscurity has hit the accelerator and we are quickly approaching our demise. Move over Roman Empire, America is marching proudly to the trash heap of history. Collectively, America decided long ago to abandon traditional values that have stood the test of time and has voluntarily surrender their moral compass to the lowest level of human decency. At one point, we were at the precipice of deciding where to turn and we chose the wrong road. With the upcoming election, I fear we no longer even have the option of choosing right and wrong, rather, both choices are fraught with freightening possibilities. Truly, only God can save this great nation. Obviously, God was always the choice, but it has now reached the point where the best is bad. America has snubbed her nose at God and doing what is right, moral and logical. As a result, we are facing the consequencies of our sin. Perhaps America must fall before we as a nation can reach the point where we have no choice but to return to our Judeo/Christian values.

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I disagree. We never collectively decided to abandon God. A radical minority of judges and bureaucrats forced this on us and the people are too ignorant as to the power reserved to the individual States to stop it. We are sitting around hoping better judges take the bench. This is a consequence of this we are all Americans thinking along with one nation..indivisible. We never were meant to lose our state citizenship and loyalty. I do agree, however, that we are beyond the point of no return is some senses. The Empire will vanish. But that does not mean that the provinces that were once enslaved by that empire will vanish. They will simply be free to chart their own course, much like the former Soviet republics. Conservative States out west will revolve around Texas. The southeast will be plunged into civil war with the end result being anyone's guess. Hopefully, some of the more decent areas will be able to seize some nukes to defend themselves with and restore some normalcy. The northeastern cities will plunge into anarchy. Right now 65% are being told they must conform to the wishes of the 35%. That kind of atmosphere is bound to and will produce the perfect storm. Sadly, many innocents will die as by that time resentment will run deep and people simply will not care anymore who might be offended

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Post subject: Methocostal:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I didn't mean that every single person had abandonded God, rather, a majority has. Maybe collective was too broad If we had a gutless man like Obama as President, he may allow the nation to disentegrate like the Soviet Union, but perhaps we will have another Civil War with people from States controlled by the liberals will move to more grounded States to secede. I guess I never thought the US could have a civil war, but today, I'm not so sure. If Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming united, huge amounts of food and energy are concentrated in those states. I am afraid we are truly at a crises point. On a personal level, I would worry about what would happen to retirement funds, etc if such a war erupted. Then, without the heavy burden of taxes, perhaps it wouldn't be as bad as I fear. The very thought that we are seriously discussing these possibilities would have been beyond belief 30 years ago. I certainly don't advocate succession, but I can see how people may. You are right, the biggest problem we have lie in the Courts. 9 people can rule 300 million. (actually 5 can rule 300 million) Unelected courts were never intended to legislative. Unfortunately, that has become the situation where courts do what the elected politicians are unwilling to do. I hate to be a pessimist, but I really think the situation is becoming dangerous. God can change people's minds and that is what we must pray. 30 years ago, I predicted Christians in America could be the next holaucost. I think people may have thought I was crazy. Today, that possibility could occur and it won't be in 30 more years. When we become dehumanized, elimination is the logical solution to the Christian question. It can happen. Christians are the people that is holding the evil people from doing their will of having no laws to bind their evil desires. The next steps are to allow man/boy relationships, beastality, forced euthanasia for the old and sick and for the mentally deficient (Christians). The euthanasia will come from the Health Care system by refusing to treat those that are too expensive to maintain, especially if they are not paying taxes. Once the decision is made to dehumanize people's right to live, the next obvious step is to eradicate Christians.I hate to sound so pessimistic, but these ideas that seem so far fetched are not that far from reality. Just think, 30 years ago would anyone have seriously considered that we have no better sense than to allow Hell's Angel's motorcyclists from following young girls to the bathroom by simply saying they felt like a woman today? That just flies in the face of any kind of common sense. Depravity has no limits. Obama has taken this depravity to a whole different level at the stroke of a pen. I know I could sounds paranoid, but folks it isn't that big of a step for someone else to take it to the next level and declare Christians unworthy of existence. Given the rate of decline in the past 20 years, 10 years from now, at most, we could absolutely be looking at forced euthanasia. I don't want to be a prophet, but I fear I am being prophetic.

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
No matter what happens, Jesus will still be Lord and his joy will be our strength. But I do think Christians are going to have to accept the fact that we will have to resort to defensive bloodshed in order to remain free, just as our Founders. Those who think that somehow violates their Christian beliefs will find themselves in a death camp. I for one will avoid bloodshed if at all possible, but I will defend my family and friends.Personally, I think the pre-trib rapture mentality has weakened the church. But when our rescue chopper from Heaven does not show up when we thought, many Christians will abandon their faith during the hard times ahead

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