Currently, the item is under referral for further study to be presented as a report at next assembly. Apart from its historical usage in the tradition and current IRS church related rulings, the item relates to the following issues currently in discussion as presented to the International General Council in four year increments:Titles for all Ranks of Ministry ( as related to current Item 10 )Qualifications of Ministry ( as related to current Item 11 )Women in Ministry ( as related to current Item 8 )and breaks down...Historical PresuppositionsIn 2010, the Church of God Said: Women Can Be Leaders But Not BishopsIn 2014, The 75th General Assembly of the Church of God amended page 148, S56. ORDAINED BISHOP, I. MEANING AND USAGE OF THE TERM BISHOPand page 102, S23. STATE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, paragraph 1, by striking the word �male� There's some good reading right there... for the oletimer! In my best oletimer way... I hope it dasent put y'all tuh sleep