Visionary leaders do not wait around for the Motions Committee unless they do not have a vision or, unless such committees are used to hide their real Agenda. An effort to keep their proposals from being discussed in advance. It would be kind of like taking an unseen Agenda underground so the people do not get an advance notice or the ability to discuss it.Visionary leaders do not restrict the people who are affected by their policies, to only discuss once every four years, AND THEN keep the people from the discussion prior to popping it on them through a Committee.What is happening before your eyes, is that the involvement of the Assembly, the COG ministers and members who are present, now only get to discuss issues every four years. That means a smaller and smaller group at the top, is making the decisions instead of the Assembly. They begin to view themselves as the Assembly in abstentia.It really is ONE OF THE DUMBEST things an organization that hopes to have a bright future, can do. Only church organizations with a death wish, push the people, the faithful workers and supporters, further and further away from being able to have input. Organizations that want to survive and thrive, are working like crazy to include the people more often.Isn't anybody aware of the revolution going on now in politics? Does anyone believe church politics gets a free pass? People are feed up with establishments which seem more and more distant. Is that happening now in the COG? It seems so. It will be interesting to see what meaningful issues will come through the Motions Committee. How much motion taking place will be interesting to observe.As the people are pushed further and further out of the process (which has been going on now in the COG for about 16 years), their enthusiasm for an organization that piushes them away, dwindles away. Their loyalty is crushed, kind of murdered really. They long to be a part, to feel connected, to feel appreciated. Organizations who push them from having input, do not receive their loyalty. They evenentually go somewhere else where they can feel that their presence is appreciated. By the way, what are the growth figures for the COG these days? How many new churches are being started? We have long known that new churches generate much more growth than older established ones. New is an important word for a reason. It indicates that there is