He is Muslim.He travelled multiple times to Muslim countries that support terrorist groups.He had connections with known terrorists, some of whom have already carried out terrorist actions.He talked to others such as coworkers and friends openly about hate, violence, and killing as a reasonable response.He purchased (legally) assault firearms and ammunition.He told some of his plans to either attack the night club or a Disney park.And the FBI had cleared him from the list as someone that needed to be watched....I was in the airport last week and watched a 75+ year old little man be body searched by a TSA agent because he was randomly selected by the machine. It is a joke. Not one terrorist has been caught by TSA because they are not typically 75 year old caucasian men. But they met the quota that day for hand searches! Job well done!TSA is hand searching old men while the FBI is clearing people who have red flags popping up all over. Something is way out of order here... Imo