In some ways it is, Ernie. Cause on Acts, just like scattered across this great denomination, you got the following: 1.You got the solid substantive core of Classical Wesleyan Pentecostal COG folk, sound in the faith, convinced in their doctrine, an aint gonna foller fads/fancies.2. You got some what resides within the parameters of #1, but they got a independent spirit with no real commitment to the movement. They tend to foller whatever the newest thing is at the time (Rod Parsley haircuts, generation curses, gold dust, Bentleyism, an the like). After a while the new wears off an they off to somethin else.3. You got some who are blatantly intentional about infecting the movement with the leaven of theological error. They use much of the same terminology, but their interpretation of such is much different (eg, hyper-faith, hyper-Calvinism, etc.)4. An, just like in the COG, ya got a parody on Acts, what simply pursues integrity and ethics an just wants to bless the folk.