When you get paged on your smart phone, the name and distance of the customer comes up, along with their customer rating. If their rating is below 4 stars, I refuse the request and it gets passed to the next closest driver. When you accept a request, your name and pic pops up on the customer's phone and the apx time it will take for them to get to your location for the pick-up. Probably 40% of my customers are Muslims. I can't help but see the irony in this, but all the same I pray for your safety. $40 for 6 hours is not good, hopefully you didn't have to drive a lot of miles. Gainesville is 25 miles one way, sadly. A couple of times I've gotten calls out in the country while about halfway there of people needing a ride to UF or something. That helps a little. The former principal at the High School I work recently retired and moved back to Georgia. He Ubers part-time and makes hundreds of dollars a weekend