20160817 #596 Defending Our Weapons, Ken Herron Weekly columnSeveral years ago I visited The Potter’s House which is the home church of Rev. T. D. Jakes in Dallas, Texas. I sat in the upper level and enjoyed every part of the worship. About this time Rev. Jakes had a TV program that came on at 5:30 a m in the morning and I got up most mornings to watch the program. While I was at the Potter’s House I did not think about the security for the church but while watching the TV program I started observing the obvious things that were taking place. At both sides of the rostrum where Rev. Jakes normally preached was a man standing who never looked at Rev. Jakes. These two men were looking at the congregation and watching for anything unusual. When Rev. Jakes came down into the audience and walked up an aisle I observed that the person on the end seat of the front row stood and looked over the congregation in their section for anything unusual. The security personnel are there but they are not disruptive or obvious to most of the people.The local church that I attend has several law enforcement people that also attend. I asked some of them if they had weapons on them when they attended church. They did have concealed weapons. I asked others that I know have carry permits and they also bring concealed weapons to church. Our church would not be a good one for some unstable person to think they are going to come and scare or kill some of the attendants. None of these weapons have killed or threatened anyone. It is not the weapon that is the problem it is the person carrying the weapon. There are already laws in every state that restrict ownership of weapons and they should be enforced. Law abiding citizens should be able to own weapons for their own protection. There should be no government controlled list of people that own weapons but I am afraid that this is already being violated. I believe that if a law was passed that our weapons must be turned in to the government a letter addressed to each owner could be mailed in just a few days. Homeland Security Computers already know who has purchased weapons and who has carry permits.Hillary Clinton is dedicated to stopping citizens from owning any type of weapon. She will push to repeal the second amendment or to make it ineffective through the Supreme Court if she is able to appoint the Justices. The Second Amendment guaranteed the rights of citizens to own weapons to prevent the Federal Government from becoming a tyranny. When I lived in the Middle East, I never saw a store that sold guns of any type. I asked a Saudi citizen if citizens were permitted to own guns. He told me that they were allowed to own guns but the government controlled the sales of ammunition. You could only buy ammunition from the government and they had to know why you needed the ammunition. The Federal Government during the Obama period has changed and restricted policies to hinder the manufacture of ammunition in this country. Ammunition is almost exclusively constructed with brass casings. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Until the time of President Obama, these manufacturers would purchase used ammunition casings from the military and reload them and sell them as new bullets. Under the Obama Administration these used casings are being crushed and shipped to a smelter overseas who puts them back into a raw form for other purposes. For a time this has created a shortage of ammunition while the ammunition manufacturers arrange to purchase brass from foreign sources in tube form so that can cut it into bullet casings.About 120 years ago, the Doe Run Lead Corporation came into business in Missouri. They mined and processed lead for the country. Until the unleaded gasoline became the standard, a small amount of lead was added to regular gasoline to increase the power the gasoline produced. Even today, the aviation fuel uses about 2 grams of lead per gallon. The other major use for lead was in the slug of the bullets fired from guns. Under the direction of the Obama administration, The EPA came to the Doe Run Lead Plants and mines and began to review the processes that the company had been using for over 100 years. Complying to the new regulations that the EPA demanded in the smelting process would cost the Doe Run Lead Corporation more than $100 million. They decided to close their mines and end the last lead smelting operation in the United States. Now lead for ammunition and aviation fuel will come from China.Over the past few years Homeland Security has purchased millions of rounds of ammunition and put it in storage. In some cases they purchased the entire production of the company which kept them from producing any ammunition for the public. With the problems getting brass and the problems getting lead a number of ammunition producers have gone out of business. The shortages of brass and lead were not accidental. These shortages were deliberately created to make ammunition scarce and hard to find. This has been a policy decision of the Obama Administration and Candidate Hillary Clinton will continue down this same road if she becomes President of the United States. Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are disciples of Saul Alinsky who wrote the book “Rules For Radicals” which describes the steps to change the country from a Democracy to Socialism. One of the Rules is that the people must be disarmed so that they cannot resist the change. A lot of people who will vote for Democrats do not realize where the leadership is trying to take them Some facts but mostly just my
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