I don't know how we would survive it. The most likely scenario if his buffoonery and trade-war instincts prove too much for our country is that every single one of your fears of bad judicial appointments, social engineering, rampant spending, high taxes, etc.. will come true, not indeed in 4 years, but over the next 40 as a backlash against (false) conservatism, i.e. Trumpism, keeps Republicans and conservatives out of national offices for the rest of the foreseeable future.4 years of Hillary will be bad, but her ultimate failure would most likely assure a revival of Reaganesque conservatism in a similar backlash. AND, if we manage to maintain slim majorities in congress, we can weather the storm. Risking 40 years for the hope of a conservative justice appointment (George Bush and Reagan didn't manage to get them all right, but Trump???), is not a compelling enough argument for me. 4 years of Hillary will turn this country into a mess that cannot be turned around with some sort of dream GOP ticket in 2020. If we use your scenario of 40 years then it swings both ways.Her edicts, exectutive orders & slimy back door history will be so hard to over turn that nobody will trust a GOP candidate to do any better.She is the political definition of insanity & you are falling for it.Electing her to POTUS is just like giving the Obama platform another 8 year run & voting against Trump & hoping for a 4 year collapse of the DNC will be absolute insanity & political suicide Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!