I believe there is an element of truth to the idea God will raise up a company of believers who will be anointed with the Spirit of Elijah and will be instruments of revival and this done in preparation for the Return of Jesus.Statistically, pastors stand before their congregations and half are lost - there's a harvest sitting on the pews.Among those sitting on the pews who aren't lost, over half do not have a Biblical World-View. Their core values are based upon the isms of the world rather than the Scriptures, and this explains their worldly values determining their attitudes, decisions, and actions.Most, if not all, do not have a mind on the certain return of Jesus - and their lives reflect it.I don't sense there will be a whole-sale revival across America, like another Great Awakening, but I do believe where there are men and women fervently praying, interceding, revival can come to churches seeking true revival.Perhaps those anointed with the Spirit of Elijah, those who will stand before God and possess a passion for Him, can impact the Church God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led