About not paying the architect? Well, maybe he didn't do a good job???? REALLY? That's not how it works! You take him to court. You show breach of contract, etc.And the other pitiful answer was to the whole thing about income tax. That makes me smart. Dude! Yes, that may make you smart...it also makes you seem like a low-life. A BILLIONAIRE who doesn't pay taxes? Indeed, a tax code as onerous as ours DESERVES to be taken advantage of (I know that if I can interpret something in my favor, I do), but Trump's better answer would be The convoluted tax code that you and your husband have helped bring about is precisely why there are so many LEGAL ways to keep one's income from being taxed--and when I'm president, I will fix that and make it the simplest code in history.I think many were just hoping that Trump didn't implode. He didn't. So maybe that's what they call success nowadays. And many were just hoping Hillary didn't make everyone think she was the ice queen, etc. (or fall down due to health). And she didn't.Like I told you before--Trump would not do well...but would still declare victory.