Though I suspect it will be significant, it won't matter. There is a tendency now embedded very deeply within the American psyche to hold Republicans to a higher standard than Democrats.Trump breaks no tax laws, but is a tax cheat.The Clintons have made millions never claimed on their taxes, the media ignored it.Trump's companies filed bankruptcy, he's incompetent.Six million dollars vanished from the DOS under Hillary's watch, no matter. Just today Rush was discussing how the New York Times refused to publish the info from East Anglica University proving that global warming was a hoax because the information was obtained illegally through a hacked email.Yet, they gladly published the contents of a hacked computer relating to Trump's taxes. So much has already been exposed in the past month to put Hillary away for life and she continues uninhibited towards the throne. Meanwhile, the GOP heroes that so many on here think would be beating her by 10 points had they been nominated instead of Trump will say and do nothing. I predict that no matter how bad the revelation from Wikileaks is, the GOP will humbly ignore, as will the media