The old Sticks and stones... saying is a lie. Words hurt more and deeper than sticks or stones ever do and the pain lasts much longer. We are commanded by the savior to forgive. True Christians will in the post-election and should NOW. The name calling should cease! Leaders should STOP with the endorsements, preach the gospel of truth and live exemplary lives before the congregations. The only way we will have true unity is before the election. The church needs to repent!We raised our daughter according to conservative principles. We talked about hard work, honesty and integrity frequently. She was home schooled and Christian schooled. So when she told me the other day she was voting for Hillary, it was like bucket of cold water thrown in the face. Next to my wife she is the most principled person I know. She is a lot smarter than I am. I cannot understand and I will keep the conversation open on this. Regardless of what I say, when she goes to the booth, she will do what she feels is right.