Can you imagine how excited slick Willie is at this time. Soooo close to getting back in the White House. He won't even be distracted by annoying cabinet meetings, calling on legislators to vote on his favorite proposals, traveling to foreign countries to meet with despots from 3rd world countries. All he will have on his hands will be TIME. He will finally have time to chase all the fresh young interns that Hillary brings in. Since Hillary will be busy gallivanting around the world, he will be left at home -- alone -- with the Lincoln bedroom at his personal disposal. Naturally, he may not have access to the Oval office since Hillary will be sure to let the Secret Service know he is persona non grata in the oval office. But, he still has plenty of room in the private quarters. He won't have quite the allure of being able to seduce innocent interns, barely out of college, but he will still have lots of opportunities. He can probably hardly contain himself right now thinking of all the opportunities that await him. He doesn't have to worry about perjuring himself and risking impeachment so he can do whatever he cares. At least I don't think the First Gentleman can be impeached. I think he will have pretty much free reign to do whatever he pleases. I would say he may still have Monica's phone number, but she is probably far too old for him now as he will set his sights on the young wide eyed interns that will shortly invade the White House. Any other ideas out there on how he will occupy his time?