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'Atmosphere' and Healing and Other Gifts

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Post subject: Link: 'Atmosphere' and Healing and Other Gifts
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
I remember Rafael posting something about a Benny Hinn sermon which described Benny Hinn's method of using music, etc. to create the right kind of atmosphere for the anointing to work and for people to be healed.I can think of some scripture for this sort of thing. Elisha was asked to prophecy. He called for a minstrel to pray, and when the minstrel played, the Spirit of God came on him and he prophesied. There is also the idea that the LORD inhabits the praises of His people. On one occasion in Luke, we read that the power of the LORD was present to heal the sick. So healing may occur more on occaions when the power of the LORD is present to heal. But I also know of people who say they do healing ministry when they don't feel anything special. They just believe God. Recently, I did some translation for a preacher from Africa, who is into sensing the presence of the Spirit and having a worshipful atmosphere. I was at a meeting. I feel the presence, too. I'm not saying this 'method' or 'approach' doesn't work. But I doubt Peter had a choir and mucisians with him to reate the atmosphere to heal the man the gate beautiful. For the most part, the healings of Jesus and the apostles seem to have occured in situations where they could not have used music to stir up the crowd into a worshipful attitude.What do you think about this? How important is it to build up a proper worshipful atmosphere and sense the power of the Spirit to see God move in healing or other gifts? What do you think

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