Tim O'Brien recorded a song called Dance you Hippy Dance. Rough posted the song in another thread. Here is some a the lyrics an a link to the song.Yonder comes a hippy, how you think I know?See that long hair hangin’ down, smell patchouli oilChorus:Dance you hippy dance, dance you hippy danceDance you hippy dance, dance you hippy danceOnce I was a hippy back when I was youngI still dance the same way, I still dance in tonguesChorusyoutu.be/XtE05cN u-QNotice the ole boy writes/sings I STILL DANCE IN TONGUES.Now, this Dancing in Tongues thing, is this somethin classical Pentecostals missed? Is this the practice of charismaniacs? Is this a thing Copeland, Bakker, and the wild wierdities of the woffie left are practicing? Is this something young preachers in skinny jeans are prancing too?