the problem is, people always say this that once the people are saved, then we will teach them about the Holy Spirit but they NEVER DO!What we always wind up with and I've been fighting this mindset for 35 years, is a bunch of people who have a salvation mindset and not much more. Will it get them to heaven? Yes. And for that I am truly grateful and not critical but who are we then? Does our Pentecostal distinctive mean anything? Why are we Pentecostal or maybe a better question is should we remain Pentecostal? When the supernatural is pushed out of our churches we lose faith in the God of creation. If God is not supernatural, or He just used to be once upon a time, is He still God? The Book of Acts details how the supernatural became a preaching point or confirmed what had been preached. When that no longer is a part of the Gospel then we risk becoming no different than any other spiritual mindset. How can you preach that Jesus rose from the dead if you don't also preach God is still manifesting the supernatural in the lives of believers?I just returned from 2weeks of ministry in England. One of the churches I worked with is an AG church but they are so pc that I was encouraged to not preach a message that used the Syro-Phonecian/samaritan woman's request to Jesus to heal her daughter who was possessed by a demon. Why? Because the pastor didn't want to offend sophisticated church members with the idea that we believe in something as superstitious as demons. And yet, I disobeyed him and the people were thrilled and hungry for more of the message (not about demons but about the power of God). ANd so it goes.