The ole timer was lookin at the COG website this evenin an thought he would check out the bio of each member of the executive committee. I was interested in seein how the areas of education and honors/recognition was listed. Specifically, I was curious regardin our brethren who have been awarded honery docterates, to see whether they listed the award under “Education” or “Honors/Recognition.” Why? The honery docterate is neither academic or educational. It is an award, a certificate of recognition, often given for simply raising money for an institution or name recognition. It was interesting that only our Latin American brother, Dr. David Ramirez, lists his credentials according to academic protocol or generally accepted standards of nomenclature. Ramirez lists his two honery docterates under Awards/Recognition, which is as they should be listed. Commendable![The following is cut/pasted from the COG website]General Overseer