Clyde was a great Kingdom leader and gift to, not only the body of Christ, but to the Church of God. He was without a doubt one of the greatest Bible teachers on most subjects. Like Mike Cowart, I had Clyde to do a revival in Griffin on, of all things, our stewardship of our finances. It was incredible and made a definite mark on the growth of the church. He came into the Church of God many years ago from a small holiness movement in S. Georgia for many reasons but mainly because of their teaching on on tithing and the rapture of the church. They taught a post tribulation rapture and Clyde preached strongly on the pre-trib. They also did not preach tithing but Clyde believed in the Biblical principles of giving.He did build a great church in Warner Robins, Ga. and was faithful there in that city until the Lord called him home yesterday.