I think for any of us to imagine America being taken out of the prophetic picture we tend to ignore a few details.Where is Canada or Mexico in relation to prophecy?Where is Central America or the nations of South America?How about Greenland, Australia, parts of Africa or New Zealand when it comes to prophecy?I don't think God will destroy all of the world just so the ramifications of the last days can be applied to the original nations of the world. Some things were 'shut up' or 'put away' when St. John was in the process of recording the vision. Something else has to happen & the whole world will feel the drought of God's blessings. There are several places where America could be implied in biblical prophecy but nobody really knows for certain ...but God knows.Based on His own record where He wouldn't destroy Sodom if there were 10 righteous, I don't see Him destroying America or any of the other nations I mentioned with the millions of souls who honor Him. Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
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