Link, as you might imagine I am not feeling a big sense of relief either. I did not vote for either Trump or Clinton, but I did vote for a Republican in the Senate and I voted for a Republican governor. It does not look like our governor will be going back in. I think a big factor (and of course I could be mistaken on this) is that he received a lot of unpopular press for signing the bathroom bill. He is a decent man, a good leader, and, in my opinion, has done a good job. I said that to say that the social conservative issues seem to be losing the day even though they have gotten an inadvertent win, perhaps, with Hillary's loss.I am glad that Hillary will not be picking the Supreme Court, but that is tempered by the reality that the conservative appointees haven't come through for us on some big issues.The one thing that I'm feeling hopeful about is that it appears Congress will be under Republican control and that might give us a chance to dismantle Obamacare.