Are online versions of the Bible right?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: Are online versions of the Bible right?

I memorized James in the KJV when I was in A/G Bible Quiz in the late 1980s.At the time, the KJV as I remember it of James 1:5started off, If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God....Now, Biblegateway, BibleHub, and a half dozen other sites I check say the KJV is 'If any of you lack wisdom....So I did some digging in Google scholar and Google books. I found an William Jenks comprehensive commentary on the authorized version that quotes it the way I remember it.If any man lack wisdom...Wesley quoted the verse that way. Spurgeon quoted it that way. An old Jubilee Bible Society document quoted it that way. I found a Jonathan Edwards text, with nice neat modern font, but a pdf, that had both quotes. I'm not usually into conspiracy theories, though I've considered a few (some kind of conspiracy with Kennedy, not sure what, maybe the moon landing.) I am wondering if there is some company that feeds the texts of scripture to online sources and book publishers that got it wrong. But what if some ofthese online sources did decide to mess up the Bible. Do we really thinkmost of these online companies are led by people who love God?Maybe this is just my memory. But if we have an eschatology that predicts that in the future, no one will be able to buy or sell without takingthe mark of the beast, do we expect that the powers in charge will have accurate versions of the Bible online?It would make sense to make sure we keep some paper copies of the Bible around in the future. We may not always have the Internet anyway.The next post contains some links of the 'If any man lacks wisdom' version of the verse that I recalled from memorizing the verse many years ago

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: (L) Sermons/Jonathan%20Edwards/ esc=y#v=onepage&q=man%20lack& rose esc=y#v=snippet&q=wisdom&

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link:

It looks like the old KJV versions say 'If any of you'. I could have remembered wrong, or maybe Wesley, Spurgeon, etc. were quoting out of something else that I got confused with the KJV

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link:

If you mean groups of people remembering facts wrong the same way a percentage of other people wrongly remember them, maybe. Wesley and Spurgeon may be in the same group with me if that is the case. If you mean a glitch in the matrix, alterations to the time line from time travel, or shifting between alternate realities, I don't think so. People or 'bots' editing pdfs of Bible translations is a more feasible conspiracy theory. Or the KJV could have had some other variants floating around, and I may have read one when I was doing my memorizing. Another theory is that something about the typical wording of the KJV causes many of us to recall the passage wrongly, but in the same way. Even so, a Bible commentary of the Authorized Version with the wrong wording would be really strage if that were the case.Be that as it may, going forward, it may make sense to keep some old paper Bibles around. Being internationally mobile, I've depended quite a bit on electronic versions of the Bible recently. But if I am dependent on large international companies that don't share my values to have access to the Bible, that may be a bit risky

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Aaron Scott: I learned it that way, too.

I, too, learned it that way--but apparently not from actually reading the Bible, but from hearing it quoted.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: Re: I learned it that way, too.

I like all these Internet Bible tools, but if society does start moving in a direction where people can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast, we shouldn't especit that accurate versions of the Bible would be online, provided for or supported by governments that would require the mark of the beast

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  diakoneo: Re: I learned it that way, too.

This is exactly how most all woffie teachings infiltrate the COG. Well according to may Dake Bible:James 1:5If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God...

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: Re: I learned it that way, too.

This is exactly how most all woffie teachings infiltrate the COG. Well according to may Dake Bible:James 1:5If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God... Well, if Dake said it.... Just curious-- is it an old printing?I'm pretty sure I just memorized it wrong way back when and never missed a quotation question over it, and that was it. I moved and started the quiz year late and had to rush to memorize the books that year. Going from 'if any of you....let him' is kind of awkward. It seems like shifting from 'you' to 'him' when really, the subject is 'any.' That must have been awkward for preachers inthe 1800s to remember, including the Bible commentator. But this did get me thinking, if we get our Bible information through Google searches and verify old texts through Google books, what would happen if they wanted to change something? Google has celebrated and promoted the LGBT movement, for example. Their motto is 'do know evil' but they don't seem to really understand what evil is. If the beast of Revelation is in charge of the Internet (assuming its still around.... Revelation mentions people using swords) then will online Bibles be a realiable source

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  diakoneo: Re: I learned it that way, too.

It is a newer version. Given as a present to me 17 years ago. I certainly do not agree with Dake on many things, but I find his notes interesting.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher: Re: I learned it that way, too.

Re: I learned it that way, too.

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