were hoping that having a black president would benefit them socially, economically, and politically, but it never happened.The majority of Whites thought voting for a black president would prove that whites are not prejudiced or bigots.And neither group saw what they had voted or hoped for.So, why are so many women thinking that having a woman president would do anything for them?The states that have had a woman as Governor, were the women in that state any better off than women in other states?Nellie Tayloe RossWyoming, Democrat, 1925-1927replaced late husband, winning special electionMiriam Ma FergusonTexas, Democrat, 1925-1927, 1933-1935surrogate for her husband who was prohibited by law from succeeding himselfLurleen WallaceAlabama, Democrat, 1967-1968surrogate for her husband who was prohibited by law from succeeding himselfElla GrassoConnecticut, Democrat, 1975-1980first woman governor who did not succeed her husband; resigned for health reasonsDixy Lee RayWashington, Democrat, 1977-1981defeated in the primary when she was running for a second termVesta RoyNew Hampshire, Republican, 1982-1983served seven days after death of incumbentMartha Layne CollinsKentucky, Democrat, 1984-1987