any particular individual running for office but laid down a blanket observation.They are all saying what they believe people want to hear.Anyone believing any one of the candidates can Make America Great Again have sadly misplaced their confidence in a man or woman.We have turned the corner. Something must happen, and we've seen the process the last eight years, that will level the playing field in order to fulfill end-time events.The U.S. officially became a pluralistic, polytheistic nation 9/23/2001 under Bush. We are engaged in a battle tougher immigration standards/policies cannot win. Our economy is on another bubble and regardless of who wins the White House, the Republicans are adrift in search of a moral compass while the democrats advance their socialist agenda. Our nation has never supported Israel under any president unless it was politically feasible and will sell Israel out for the same reason.Other than these things we are doing great! Our churches are bursting at the seems and everyone is happy. The War on Poverty, the War on Drugs, the War on Crime have been won while Evangelicals sit in the pews of comfort and Revival breaks out over the land.So, while we indulge the insufferable Me-Generation, I'm Entitled, Show-me-the-Cash, Politically Correct, the American Dream has become an illusion.I suppose anyone reading this will be ready to give me the Eeyore of the Day (can you say Winnie the Poo?) award, but I am seriously concerned not about a revival in America but a revival in the Church.The idols and idolatry need to be exposed and smashed, people delivered from an illusion and set free to become the most effective witness/martyr since the 1st century.