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I might be chopping my head off, but...

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Post subject: Ernie Long: I might be chopping my head off, but...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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here goes and just to make sure everyone knows, I am not being disrespectful of anyone with this post.What is the big deal of becoming an Ordained Bishop?Will it make me preach better, pastor better, have more compassion, grow my church, grow the Kingdom of Heaven, give me more friends, lose weight, be smarter, act younger, fit in skinny jeans?I am a white, middle age, slightly overweight, mentally balance(depending on who you ask) Ordained Minister.I know several Ordained Bishops and we all do the same thing, except I will never hold an office on the State or International level and honestly the majority of Ordained Bishops won't either.The following is a small portion of a post on Facebook by a female Ordained Minister, I would love to have the same fellowship with other ministers in the Church of God that my brothers in ministry enjoy. To be able to talk with them about what God is doing in their lives and churches and to be part of a powerful prayer movement.I desire the same thing, I believe we all do regardless of our titles and sex.I don't believe that when Exhorters, Ordained Ministers and Bishops die, that God looks at the credentials and allows us to enter Heaven by our rank. I have my doubts that Gabriel will walk before a man on those golden streets and proclaim an Ordain Bishop of the Church of God has arrived.

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Post subject: Old Time Country Preacher: Re: I might be chopping my head off, but...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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True Dat an Fo Shizzle too. With them skinny jeans they aint a whole heap to jerk. A preacher has gotta have a pair a pants like TD Jakes, you know, about 5 sizes too big, to really do justice to the belt jerk.

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Post subject: Nature Boy Florida: Re: I might be chopping my head off, but...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Ernie,I agree.I don't think anyone looks down on me for not being an OB. I don't think I am less fellowshipped because of it either.And based on what I saw of the sessions last week - I would just as soon spend time with the family at Disney World as be there. And since there are some that do it anyway, at least I don't feel guilty. As for being able to vote, I think women should have that privilege for sure. So if ordained women is the highest rank they are allowed to have - then ordained women should be able to vote. If Ordained men want to vote - they can become OBs

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Post subject: bonnie knox:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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No, that's not the reason they look down on you, no not at all.

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Post subject: Ernie Long: So, I'm taking from what has been said so far is
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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that there is no benefit whatsoever in becoming an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, so why are most female Ordained Ministers wanting to become one?In the world people always wants what someone else has, regardless if it is a benefit to them or not, why do people act the same way in church?If a female Pastor is a Ordained Minister and at some point in time she becomes an Ordained Bishop, I highly doubt that she will preach or pastor any different.I have friended a female Pastor on facebook who is an Ordained Minister and any chance she has to complain/argue about not being able to become an Ordained Bishop she takes it. She makes comments about the issue on things people post that has nothing to do with church much less an Ordained Bishop and it makes her look small and hateful. I really feel sorry for her, she is probably a good person and pastor, but her remarks is not only hurting her, but her church as well.I have found there is more to life than being known by a title, there are more important things that need our attention.If you are called of God to preach, then preach.If you are called of God to teach, then teach.If you are called of God to help others, then help others.

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Post subject: bradfreeman:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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For me, ordination (at any level) was about access to hospitals, prisons or anywhere else where papers gained me access. In the organization, higher levels can means opportunities. But no, it doesn't make you better...period I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog:

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Post subject: Paul W. Nolan: While at the Asembly...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I was working in Registration at the Assembly. I had the privilege of checking in Dr. Steve Land and his wife. By the way, his wife is very articulate and knowledgeable. He was asked the question regarding women having the title, Ordained Bishop. I listened to this giant of biblical, theological, and doctrinal knowledge give the best explanation as to the place of women in ministry and service. I wish I could have recorded it, or better yet, I wish a microphone had been afforded us, then and there, for the General Council to have heard it all. When all was said and done, I heard a very distinct question come out of his very biblical explanation, Do you want to be an Ordained Bishop for the sake of ministry or for the sake of a title and/or a position? I don't care if your male or female, that's the question you have to answer. You're probably saying, Well, you can have the title and/or position and minister. Yes, but you don't have to have it to minister.I had a lady at a church that I pastored, once she had received her Exhorters credential, stood up to testify in a service regarding the arduous process to get credentialed. Her statement was that she got the credentials because she promised her grandfather that she would do it. Not once did I hear her proclaim anything about her reasons or purpose for being credentialed to minister the Gospel; just that she promised her grandfather she would get those credentials.

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Post subject: Ernie Long: Just to be clear
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I am not against going as high as a person desires to go, but as Bro. Nolan well stated, know the reason for it.I know of a few Ordained Bishops who are sitting in the pew every Sunday, not pastoring, not teaching, not evangelizing, but they do have the title and the paper hanging on their wall at home. Why? not because of retirement, but some I know accomplished the task because someone told them they would never become an Ordained Bishop. They did it to prove someone wrong.

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Post subject: bonnie knox:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Ernie, I think NBF mentioned one thing specifically that is available to ordained bishops and that is voting in the General Council. That is where the voting takes place that elects the Council of 18 and the Executive Committee. To whatever extent the decisions made by the Council of 18 and the Executive Committee affect the direction of our organization, that's an important decision. (Isn't there a similar restriction for voting on the State Council?) Anyway, as NBF says, if a male pastor feels this is important, he works his way up to ordained bishop. If a female pastor feels this is important, she has no recourse. I don't know how many female ministers are waiting to be allowed to obtain the next level of credentialing, but I think there is probably a much greater number of women who would love to see our organization change its attitude toward women.If being an ordained bishop is, as you say, no big deal, why are men so afraid of letting a woman be one?

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I have for a long time had one simple thought on this subject and the COG. If the COG 'ALLOWS' in OUR rules that a lady can pastor, and pastor any size church, I see it as silly not to allow her to vote or hold higher office.For those who hold the line of 'being silent', I had to smile at OTCP (methinks) who said, 'Silent means no coughing or sneezing', silent is silent!. I reckon that is like 'long hair' Long is as long as it will grow........ Unless... Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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