here goes and just to make sure everyone knows, I am not being disrespectful of anyone with this post.What is the big deal of becoming an Ordained Bishop?Will it make me preach better, pastor better, have more compassion, grow my church, grow the Kingdom of Heaven, give me more friends, lose weight, be smarter, act younger, fit in skinny jeans?I am a white, middle age, slightly overweight, mentally balance(depending on who you ask) Ordained Minister.I know several Ordained Bishops and we all do the same thing, except I will never hold an office on the State or International level and honestly the majority of Ordained Bishops won't either.The following is a small portion of a post on Facebook by a female Ordained Minister, I would love to have the same fellowship with other ministers in the Church of God that my brothers in ministry enjoy. To be able to talk with them about what God is doing in their lives and churches and to be part of a powerful prayer movement.I desire the same thing, I believe we all do regardless of our titles and sex.I don't believe that when Exhorters, Ordained Ministers and Bishops die, that God looks at the credentials and allows us to enter Heaven by our rank. I have my doubts that Gabriel will walk before a man on those golden streets and proclaim an Ordain Bishop of the Church of God has arrived.